Know us


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Sivashri is a global organization established with the intention to provide Authentic and Royal ritual services to spiritual people from all over the world. Since, Bharat (India) is considered Karma Bhoomi, the land of Karma, our ritual services are mainly performed in India. Other charity activities such as food feeding are performed in the United States (Los Angeles and Florida) and Colombia with the help of our beloved volunteers.

Founded by Shivaraj, a devout Shiva devotee who has succeeded in all aspects of life. Having learnt meditation techniques from enlightened masters and running multiple businesses, he is the perfect balance of Spirituality and Materialism. Nadi Astrology, an ancient and accurate prediction technique, has predicted his success, royal lineage and potential positive impact on people’s lives during multiple consultations with revered Nadi astrologers. With a lifetime filled with sincere devotion and compassion towards The Divine and humanity, the impossible feat of achieving true wisdom of Shiva and prosperous grace of Shakti has been achieved by Our Royal King Shivaraj.

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Swami Premaraja Shivam, who is well versed in Veda and Shaivagama (Scriptures based on Shiva) guided by Shivaraj himself, is our Royal Priest and conducts all the ceremonies with utmost devotion and passion.

Our services are personally tailored to benefit every member who approaches us. We use highest quality tools, all made of silver and/or gold and best quality offerings to appease the deities and represent the member’s purest devotion.